All of the "RS" series of refrigerants are non-flammable, non ozone depleting and with a safety classification from ASHRAE of A1. These novel refrigerant provide a simple & low cost method of switching away from CFCs, HCFCs (eg R22) & HFCs with higher GWPs(eg R404A, R410A).
New Zero ODP, Very Low GWP Drop-in replacement for R134a
Non flammable drop in replacement for R134a with a GWP of 290
ViewNew Zero ODP, Very Low GWP Drop-in replacement for R410A
R410A drop in replacement with a GWP less than half of R410A
ViewNew Zero ODP, Very Low GWP Drop-in replacement for R404A & R507
Non-flammable replacement for R404A & R507 with GWP of 717
ViewParticularly effective as a replacement for R12 in mobile air conditioning, but can also be used across the range of applications where R12 was commonly found. Also replaces R401A (MP39), R405A, R406A, R409A (FX56), R413A (Isceon 49/MO-49), R414A, R414B (Hot Shot), R416A.
ViewSuitable to replace R22 in air conditioning applications across the range of equipment, and can be used in systems with a capillary as well as an expansion device. Also replaces R411B, R415A, R418A.
ViewPotential option for OEMs and can also be used to replace R22 across the range of applications and temperatures including air conditioning and low temperature refrigeration. RS-45 is a capacity match for R22 but should not be used in systems with a capillary.
ViewEssentially RS-52 is similar to R507 in its performance, has similar pressures & is near azeotropic with a glide of <1°C. RS-52 has been designed as a replacement for R502 and the interim ozone depleting blends (e.g. R402A, R408A, R403B etc), but is also an excellent replacement for R22 at low temperatures where the system is designed to withstand R502 pressures. Also replaces R402A (HP80), R402B (HP81), R403B (69L), R408A (FX10) & R411B.