Refrigerant Solutions - the refrigerant specialists

European Commission F Gas Summary

HFC new equipment ban

Domestic fridges & freezers HFCs >150 GWP 01/01/2015
Hermetically sealed fridges & freezers
HFCs >2500 GWP 01/01/2020
HFCs >150 GWP 01/01/2022
Non hermetically sealed fridges & freezers
HFCs >2500 GWP Stationary fridge equipment excluding applications -50C 01/01/2020
HFCs >150 GWP Multi pak centralised refrigerations systems 40kW 01/01/2022
HFCs >1500 GWP Primary circuit of cascade systems 01/01/2022
HFCs >750 GWP Single split a/c >3 kgs 01/01/2025
Hermetically sealed moveable a/c systems HFCs >150 GWP 01/01/2020
Time limited exemption for HFCs in application where no alternative is suitable
Service & maintenance for refrigeration
HFCs >2500 GWP in systems with charge size equivalent to or greater than 40 tonnes CO2 01/01/2020
In effect, this exempts small transport, eg refrigerated trucks & trailers, & commercial systems  
Use of reclaimed HFCs allowed 01/01/2030
Service & maintenance for air conditioning No ban

Allocation of quotas

Based on annual average of HFC tonnes 2009-12. But, 11% leeway for new entrants Exports permitted outside EU & quotas do not apply Review of quota allocation & potential tax 01/01/2017
Phase down schedule
2015 100%
2016-17 93%
2018-20 63%
2021-23 45%
2024-26 31%
2027-29 24%
2030 21%


  1. Annex III is linked to Article 11. It is a list of specific bans for new equipment only.
  2. Ban on HFCs GWP>150 in centralised commercial refrigeration systems from 01/01/2022
  3. Annexe III bans HFCs with GWP >2500 in stationary & mobile refrigeration from & 2020. Target is R404A.
  4. Article 11.3 gives exemption mechanism where no suitable alternative is available.
  5. Article 13 addresses existing equipment & maintenance:
    (a) Threshold size from 5 to 40 tonnes of CO2 exempts small transport & commercial systems
    Allows use of reclaimed HFCs.
  6. Service ban applies to refrigeration & air conditioning is excluded